The first address for energy-efficient building refurbishment
Anyone who owns a residential building wants to maintain its value and save energy costs. Yet energy-efficient renovation is a complex matter: How do I plan the project? What subsidies are available? Which craftsmen can I trust? In order to implement cost-effective and profitable solutions, you need experience.
We are working on a solution for this: One-Stop-Shops bundle the necessary competences and can help as needed.
What are One-Stop-Shops?
One-Stop-Shops facilitate energy efficiency renovations by being a single point of contact. They are able to fulfil all tasks associated with an energy efficiency renovation or organise that third parties will fulfil these tasks. This should help to simplify an energy-saving renovation of a building.
The One-Stop-Shops’ tasks range from planning and financing over commissioning construction work to supervision. How autonomous it is in these activities will be decided according to the customer’s wishes.
The One-Stop-Shops shall reduce non-financial costs (information and search costs, administrative costs) incurred by building owners. And it shall also increase the quality of energy efficiency renovations. This will be due to the experience and knowledge it has gained from organising a large number of renovations.
Background and Objectives
ProRetro supports owners of residential buildings who want to renovate their house. Within the project One-Stop-Shops are developed and put to test in five German cities and regions.
The German project partners are regional energy agencies and small and medium enterprises. Organisations from other European countries that have experimented with and implemented successful One-Stop-Shop business models support the German project partners. Peer-to-peer learning will ensure the project’s success. The project is coordinated by the Wuppertal Institute.
ProRetro aims to:
- overcome barriers to residential energy efficiency renovations by offering new One-Stop-Shop services to customers in five German cities/regions
- conceptualise, plan, implement and monitor and evaluate the new One-Stop-Shops
- cover the whole customer journey of a building renovation from audit/advice, planning, contracting, implementation and monitoring and approval – and involve respective stakeholders/experts in the service offer
- prepare their continuation beyond the project lifetime
The project’s structure

Progress steps

The partners and their roles

Introducing our partners
Wuppertal Institut
The Wupppertal Institute undertakes research and develops models, strategies and instruments for transitions to a sustainable development at the local, national and international level. Sustainability research at the Wuppertal Institute focuses on resources, climate and energy related challenges and their relation to economy and society.
Country: Germany
Role in project: Overall coordination of ProRetro, Market Analysis, Monitoring & Evaluation
Weblink: wupperinst.org
e7 Energie Markt Analyse
e7 is a private research and consulting company working in the fields of energy efficient construction and renovation, energy efficiency services and energy economics. The focus of e7 lies on specific questions and challenges connected with energy efficiency, use of RES and climate protection.
Country: Austria
Role in project: Lead of Peer Support
Weblink: www.e-sieben.at
Berliner Energieagentur GmbH
The Berliner Energieagentur GmbH (BEA) is an energy service company located in Berlin. As part of its three business divisions Consulting, Contracting and International Know-how Transfer BEA develops and realizes innovative projects that reduce high energy costs as well as CO2 emissions. While rooted in Berlin the BEA launches activities in regional, national and international markets.
Country: Germany
Role in project: Implementing partner
Weblink: www.berliner-e-agentur.de
Klimaschutzagentur Region Hannover
The Klimaschutzagentur Region Hannover (Climate Protection Agency Hanover Region, CPAH) consolidates all regional activities concerning climate protection since 2001 and strengthens its role as an economic driving force in the Hanover Region. The non-profit agency informs and consults citizens and businesses on a wide range of topics. Therefore it develops and realizes, together with its partners, information campaigns on the subjects of energy saving, renewable energies and innovative technologies.
Country: Germany
Role in project: Implementing partner
Weblink: klimaschutzagentur.de
The climate protection fund proKlima operates on the basis of a partnership contract, in which the Capital City of Hannover and the local energy supplier enercity AG play a key role together with five neighbouring municipalities. Since 1998 proKlima has supported more than 32,000 efficiency and climate protection measures with over 64 Mio EUR subsidies. As a result of twenty years of activity the partnership proKlima describes a local success story: 1.6 Mio t of CO2 emissions are avoided.
Country: Germany
Role in project: Implementing partner
Weblink: www.proklima-hannover.de
Raumfabrik Wuppertal
Raumfabrik was founded in 1999 and has been a stock corporation since 2006. For more than 20 years it has been offering craft services “from a single source” in Wuppertal and in the surrounding areas. Raumfabrik coordinates the entire renovation process from planning and implementation support to invoicing. In addition to “classic” refurbishments (e.g. bathroom renovation), in recent years Raumfabrik has specialised in the areas of accessibility refurbishment as well as the use of ecological construction materials.
Country: Germany
Role in project: Implementing partner
Weblink: www.raumfabrik-wuppertal.de
Energieagentur Kreis Böblingen (EA-BB)
The EA-BB was founded in 2008 as a non-profit limited company with eight shareholders, the district of Böblingen being the main shareholder. Main tasks of the Agency are
- Free initial audits and advice to private households, companies and municipalities regarding specific construction and refurbishment actions, their technical potentials for energy savings and integration of renewable energies, as well as financing options for these actions.
- PR activities to inform the public on the energy-climate nexus and necessary behavioural changes
- Implementation of own projects for energy savings and renewable energy generation
- Coordination and facilitation of existing municipal, public and private initiatives for rational energy use and advice
Country: Germany
Role in project: Implementing partner
Weblink: ea-bb.de
Innovation City Management (ICM)
ICM is a company for management and consulting in the field of climate-compatible urban redevelopment. ICM was founded by the Initiativkreis Ruhr, the city of Bottrop and others in 2010. The original task is to manage the pilot project in Bottrop. The goal of this project is to reduce the CO2 emissions of a quarter in Bottrop with 70.000 inhabitants and 12.500 residential buildings by 50 percent within ten years (2010–2020). But ICM is busy with projects in other cities, too. ICM wants to spread the experiences from Bottrop all over Germany and beyond.
Country: Germany
Role in project: Implementing partner
Weblink: icm.de
Linnaeus University (Linneuniversitetet, LNU)
LNU is one of Sweden’s newest higher education institutions with campuses located in Kalmar and Växjö. The research group on a sustainable built environment (SBER) at the Department of Built Environment and Energy Technology, has been conducting research on energy efficiency in buildings for more than 15 years, especially on issues related to actor perceptions and behaviour, market and policy barriers, and opportunity for OSS business. LNU was one of the first actors to engage in OSS research through the participation in the Nordic research project “SuccessFamilies – Successful sustainable renovation business for single-family houses” (2009–2012). Currently, LNU is involved in the project “Sustainable housing for strong communities – Stronghouse” financed by Interreg North Sea Region (2020-2022), European Union, and Linnaeus University and in the Swedish project “Sectoral readiness for deep renovation of detached households: from research to practice" financed by FORMAS (2019-2021).
Country: Sweden
Role in project: Peer partner
Weblink: lnu.se
Île-de-France Energies (IDF-E)
Île-de-France Energies is a public-private operator launched in 2013 by the Île-de-France Regional Council. It aims to facilitate the energy renovation of multi-residential buildings, the deployment of renewable energy technologies and the implementation of innovative financing models. This Energy Service Company (ESCO) offers a comprehensive solution to support condominiums during every stage of their renovation project: global audit, technical definition, financial engineering, coordination of works and performance guarantee. This turnkey service adapted to the specificities of every condominium enables to reach ambitious renovation goals, such as targeting the level of performance of the “BBC Effinergie Renovation” label or a reduction by at least 40% of the level of energy consumption after the renovation works.
Country: France
Role in project: Peer partner
Weblink: www.iledefranceenergies.fr
Reimarkt – The One-Stop-Shop for retrofitting for homeowners, social housing companies and tenants. Retrofitting your house should not be as difficult as it is now with complicated issues as financing, subsidies, quotations, finding out what is possible and what is good. Reimarkt makes retrofitting your house easy and possible for tenants, homeowners and condominiums. With Reimarkt it is easy to get insight in the possibilities, the costs and the savings. Reimarkt’s three step approach enables home-owner to explore what is possible, choose what fits their purse and requirements and order the retrofit directly at Reimarkt.
Country: the Netherlands
Role in project: Peer partner
Weblink: reimarkt.nl
City of Vienna
Vienna as a historically developed and dense city has to renew and maintain its existing building stock in order to achieve climate and energy goals as well as reach high quality of housing and quality of life. Apart from the public and social housing segments, new approaches for privately owned buildings are needed to raise renovation rates and impacts of renovations. Vienna aims to intensify energy-efficiency and decarbonization strategies for the existing building stock to achieve its Smart City and Climate objectives. For ProRetro, the Department for Technical Urban Renewable will be mainly in charge, plus the Department of Housing Promotion and Energy Planning and will share its experiences from the project RenoBooster.
Country: Austria
Role in project: Peer partner
Weblink: https://www.wien.gv.at/english/living-working/housing/renboooster/index.html
Weblink: https://www.hauskunft-wien.at/
Regional Public Service for Energy Efficiency (SPEE)
Initiated at the end of 2013 by the former Picardie Regional Council, the Regional Public Service for Energy Efficiency (SPEE) is the first French public operator dedicated to the energy renovation of individual and collective housing in the private residential park. To encourage owners to take action, SPEE sets up a ‘all-inclusive’ service, combining a complete technical support and an adapted financing solution. 100 % public service, the SPEE assumes a position of "trusted third party": simultaneously one-stop-shop for private owners, responsible for the quality of the works implemented and guarantor of the financing of renovation operations.
Country: France
Role in project: Peer partner
Weblink: www.pass-renovation.hautsdefrance.fr