The challenges in the building sector to achieve climate protection goals are immense. In fact, the renovation rate in Hanover Region to make the building stock fit for the future is far below what is needed.
A major factor driving this problem is the shortage of skilled workers. This does not stop at the Hannover Quality Network: the very well-known and renowned Modernisation Partner Network with its companies from diverse service areas, professions and trades has built up a standing since its foundation in 2009. Many partners have joined the network since then: From trade to the installation contractors, they are united by the commitment to the Climate Protection Code in addition to being in high demand and meeting high qualitative standards. All members of the Modernisation Partner Network want to advance the heat transition and have the highest standards for their work. This is among the reasons why they can hardly cope with the current high demand for their services.
Looking for new network members
For what we have in mind, we need to become more: Many proposed solutions, such as training of new professionals, are long-term. Short-term measures that can be taken are to pool existing scarce resources. This is the path chosen by the Hanover-based project team of ProRetro by coordination of enquiries. Since spring 2022, an enquiry form on the website of the Modernisation Partners Network is available that bundles the enquiries and forwards them to the partners in the network.
More members are needed for this as well: Therefore, the Hanover project team of ProRetro from the Climate Protection Agency of Hanover Region and proKlima – The enercity Fund together with the Modernisation Partner Network and the support of the Hanover Region and the Hanover Chamber of Crafts invited everyone to a speed meeting on 12 September 2022. All members of the Modernisation Partner Network, all supporters of the ProRetro project (signatories of a Letter of Support), all companies listed within the Chamber of Crafts in the field of building renovation, crafts and planning companies known to the proKlima Fund and business partners from the Climate Protection Agency were invited.
Progress is already visible