The ProRetro One-Stop-Shop for Böblingen district
Provider: Energieagentur Kreis Böblingen (the district’s energy agency)
Target group: Condominium owners’ associations
Renovation measures supported: Deep renovations of multi-family homes and single measures like the modernisation of heating systems or adding insulation (e.g., roof insulation)
Services offered:
- Initial energy advice
- Supporting the search for energy advisers who develop the renovation roadmap and issue proofs needed for subsidy applications
- Support with financing
- Supporting the selection of measures
- Coordination with municipal authorities
- Advice in the search and selection of contractors, e.g., the Hand-in-Handwerker
- Being available during the construction phase
- Supporting approval and quality assurance
Contact: If you are interested in the One-Stop-Shop and its services, please call 0049 7031 663 2040 or send an email at
More information: You can learn more about the One-Stop-Shop for Böblingen on the energy agency’s website (in German) or through the ProRetro blog