Picture of a single family home before and under renovation

Within the ProRetro project, Raumfabrik from Wuppertal has expanded its services in the field of energy renovation. The task of the implementation phase was to test the integration of the new services in practice. The target group of the One-Stop-Shop for Wuppertal mainly includes owners of detached and semi-detached houses as well as small homeowner associations.

Raumfabrik AG is a cooperation of contractors that organises everything related to the renovation of existing buildings from a single source. During the implementation phase of ProRetro, it took further steps towards also offering comprehensive energy renovations. Since the start of the implementation phase of ProRetro at the end of 2021, Raumfabrik AG has been supported by two certified energy advisers listed with BAFA. Both advisers have their own offices and can also take on other tasks due to their qualifications as architect and civil engineer, respectively. These tasks include submitting building applications and structural engineering calculations. This enables Raumfabrik not only to carry out complete energy renovations, but also to offer that the energy adviser develops a renovation roadmap for the property and submits funding applications as part of the service.

Owners of detached or semi-detached houses who are planning an energy renovation can obtain initial advice free of charge. This way, they know in advance what the planned measures entail. During the advice, we also discuss which materials and sustainable products are available and which solutions are best suited to the house. In this context, it is also important to take the customer’s financial budget into account so that the renovation measures match their planning.

If the owner desires a deep energy renovation, they can have a BAFA-certified energy adviser draw up an individual renovation roadmap after the initial advice. The energy adviser will also name subsidies or soft loans that are suitable for the measure. The costs for drawing up the individual renovation roadmap can be subsidised as part of the energy advice for residential buildings (EBW) programme funded by the German federal government.

In recent months, Raumfabrik has also managed to establish a cooperation with an independent financial planner. This means that customers can also be offered support in drawing up a financial plan that fits their budget.

Raumfabrik ensures that customers have a single contact person that is responsible for the project throughout the entire construction phase.

Several renovation projects in implementation

During the implementation phase of ProRetro, several energy renovation projects have already been realised. In terms of scope and investment volume, these refurbishment projects are very different. However, one thing that almost all of the supported projects have in common is a great need for information. Many owners lack the information that is important for deciding in favour of or against certain refurbishment measures. A One-Stop-Shop has an important role to play in providing this information.

Neue Dachdämmung
Newly installed roof insulation made of wood fibre elements and of different strengths as well as a new window with triple glazing

This can be illustrated by the topic of roof insulation. The purpose of roof insulation is not only to ensure that less heat is lost from the inside to the outside during the cold season. Rather, roof insulation also has advantages in summer by allowing less heat to pass through to the inside. In times of global warming, often only this makes it possible to continue working and sleeping in the room on hot days. Different insulation materials are suitable to varying degrees. Natural insulation materials have a number of advantages. These advantages can include an improvement of the indoor climate.

Facilitating the switch to heat pumps

In order to facilitate the switch to more climate-friendly heating systems, Raumfabrik also offers customised solutions. If an air-to-water heat pump or an air-to-air heat pump is to provide the heat required in the house, Raumfabrik can install stainless steel platforms. This is necessary, for example, on a slope, which is often the case in Wuppertal. The picture below shows such a platform.

Pictures of a platform for heat pumps

You can find more information about Raumfabrik’s services here. The Raumfabrik will continue to offer its services after the end of the ProRetro project and will remain available to homeowners in the greater Wuppertal area who are interested in an energy renovation. The Raumfabrik can be contacted on the toll-free number 0800 10 83 84 (in Germany) and via its website.

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