by Mona Hosseini und Kirsten Upsing | Oct 24, 2022 | news
The challenges in the building sector to achieve climate protection goals are immense. In fact, the renovation rate in Hanover Region to make the building stock fit for the future is far below what is needed. A major factor driving this problem is the shortage of...
by Mathijs Vallinga | Sep 16, 2022 | news
Reimarkt is a One-Stop-Shop for energy efficiency renovations in the east of the Netherlands. The shop was founded in 2014 and has been involved in the renovation of more than 6,000 buildings. Its main specialization is the renovation of buildings owned by social...
by Georgios Pardalis and Martin Wikman | Sep 7, 2022 | news
Klimatfastigheter Småland AB offers energy renovations of single-family houses, by managing the entire process from day one, on homeowners’ terms and based on their conditions. With the help of Klimatfastigheter, homeowners lower their operational costs,...
by Raphaël Claustre | Aug 25, 2022 | news
Île-de-France region includes Paris city and dense suburbs, rural areas and some other towns within a radius of 60 km around Paris. With 12 million inhabitants on 12 000 km2, it is one of the most densely populated regions in Europe. The Region counts 4.7 million...
by Helene Scheller & Bojan-Ilija Schnabl | Jul 22, 2022 | news
The RenoBooster project, led by the City of Vienna (Department of Technical Urban Renewal, MA 25), aims to increase the overall renovation rate of private housing in Vienna in order to contribute to the achievement of climate targets. It is funded by the EU under the...